Thursday, December 9, 2010

Macrina Wiederkehr "A Tree Full of Angels"

Frail and Glorious
Macrina Widerkehr

The waters of baptism flowed over me
and no original sin was seen.
Rather, the Eye of God beheld
a tiny mass of bones and flesh
soul and spirit
infinite possibility
pure process
new, empty, and free,
free to choose
good or evil
light or darkness
life or death
grace or sin.

It was my original union 
I was passing through the baptismal waters
being filled with power like unto God's
and God wept
at the possibility of me.

Then somewhere in between my baptism
and my daily life
My power like unto God's became scattered
I forgot my original union with God.
And as I grew 
I chose
good and evil
light and darkness
life and death
grace and sin.

With my baptism lost
I began to live my life fragmented,
standing on the edge of my baptismal powers
blind to their presence in the depths of my soul.

Yet all fragments are finally gathered up
and God does in us wonders
that others are not able to do.

So, on a day that felt like baptism
God gave me a glimpse of my hidden splendor,
made me aware of that original union
and my powers that had become scattered.
Now my life is ever spent
in calling home my scattered powers.

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